Playsmart Play Structure
Twirl's large play structure is for climbing, crawling, sliding, bouncing, and traversing with absolute joy!
Schemas are a part of healthy childhood development. They are repeated play behaviors that help children to understand the physical and social world around them. Some of the play schemas involved in the large Play Smart Structure are Trajectory, Enveloping, Rotating, Enclosing. Learn more about childhood schemas here
Playing on the large Playsmart structure employs the use of large (gross motor) muscles and skills that are important for healthy development in childhood. The development of these skills are important for children to practice because they help children learn how to coordinate and control their body movements and lay the foundation for small or fine muscle skill movements that are involved in the development of literacy. Children need to use their large muscles every day.
Twirl’s Playsmart structure features Rodeo Riders, Squeeze Play, Frog Hop, crawling bridge, Monkey bars, and the fastest slide in town!