Maker Explorations
There are so many ways to make a cool, creative mask of your own! You can often make them with stuff that you find around the house. Below are a few videos with ideas on how to do this. You can use these ideas to make a mask, and if you like what you make, we encourage you to submit it to the Mask Gathering! We would love to see what you do! Click here for instructions on how to submit your work.
If you’re feeling more practical, you can also learn how to sew a mask that protects us from Covid19. Liana will walk you through the steps in the video titled Sew Your Own Mask Twirl Style. Scroll down to view.
Liana shows us how to make a mask with moveable parts, so we can change the expression and explore different emotions!
Watch Nina make a beautiful mask from her garden flowers before the freeze!
Nina makes a mask from her recyclables which turns out to be a clown robot... fun!
A milk jug or water jug makes a great base for a mask. Here's one idea from Anais using just a milk jug and hot glue. Let's get creative!
Liana shows us how to make a flower mask with moving parts!
Nina shows us how to make a fun and flashy mask from cardboard and paper!
Sew Your Own Protective Mask
Do you have a sewing machine? Liana walks us through how to sew our own protective masks in a sweet, fun, kid-friendly way. Link to mask pattern:
Make @ Home - Automata
Here’s a more involved video on how to make and Automata from our friends at Explora Science Museum!