Giants Chair

Made by: Balthazar Reed

Climb up and see a different perspective from the seat of the Giant's Chair.

This gigantic chair was created by local wood crafter and builder Balthazar using his organic and natural design theme and techniques. The Giant’s Chair provides a special seat that can shift perspectives, inspire the imagination as well as take keepsake photos in.

A change in perspective is a helpful shift for everyone. When children climb up into the chair, they are offered a different view of the world, having a chance to look down instead of up. Because of its large scale size, grownups can feel like kids again when sitting in a chair; helping us to remember what childhood feels like and gently aligning adults with children’s interests. 

Climbing up and down from the chair requires children to use the large muscles in the legs and arms, helping to strengthen them. Large muscle or gross motor and small muscles or fine motor strengthening and skill building are critical for children as it helps them to have the ability to access the world and its knowledge in a capable manner.

Photo keepsakes are a touchstone for children and families to remember the past and gauge their progress in growing into the future. They are a heartfelt reminder of where we have come from and in times of change remind us that what will remain with us as we continue to grow and move forward.


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