Twirl Element: Chalk Board

Allowing little ones to make marks on a chalkboard is a great way to foster pre-literacy skills as well as to create a space for excitingly practicing reading and writing. Mark-making is an important step along the path of children learning to read and write. 

Chalkboards help to stimulate creativity and fun. Plus they offer a bunch of positive developmental opportunities to grow and learn. Here are some examples:

  • Using colored chalk enables children to express their inner selves in a sensory-filled way.

  • Children can see negative space better with a chalkboard - even when cleaning it (cleaning also develops fine motor).

  • Large scribbling helps large and small muscles work together to create coordination.

  • Promotes hand and eye coordination, spatial awareness, core and upper body strength.

  • Stress reliever

Chalkboard Play Ideas: Make fun pictures, Play Games like Tic, Tac, Toe, Hangman, Words into Pictures (Pictionary), Match and Circling Numbers, Letters, and Objects, and Scribbling

For inspiration about chalkboard play, check out this link here.




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